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Ecological firestarters: high quality and made from FSC- or PEFC-certified wood

Are you looking for a manufacturer of eco-friendly fire-related products, such as ecological firestarters, so you will soon be able to light up your stove, barbecue or fireplace in a most sustainable and healthy way? In this case, you should definitely visit the website of Fire-Up International. This Dutch company was formerly known for its broad assortment of items related to outdoor cooking and living. Nowadays, they offer a wide range of sustainable fire-related products for lighting up stoves, barbecues and fireplaces in an eco-friendly and non-toxic way. The company strives to limit its ecological footprint as much as possible, maintain close, long-term relationships with its customers and to develop new methods for sustainable production. With a green mindset, they daily operate in the most sustainable and effective ways.

Ecological firestarters: high quality and made from FSC- or PEFC-certified wood

Healthy and non-toxic alternatives

The ecological firestarters that Fire-Up International offers are high-quality products that are a great alternative to regular firelighters you find on the market. Why? Not only are the ecological firestarters non-toxic, but the products bring a lot of other benefits. The firestarters:

  • Are manufactured from sustainable materials: FSC- or PEFC-certified wood
  • Are non-toxic, and can thus be safely stored inside and next to food
  • Are not oily or greasy to the touch and do not bring about an unpleasant smell
  • Light up extremely well, for six to twenty minutes
  • Are available in various sizes, with different features

Switch to sustainable firelighters

Are you interested in purchasing ecological firestarters and would you like to know more about the fire-related products? Please get in touch with the professionals that work at Fire-Up International. They will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with all the necessary information. You will find more information on the products on the website as well. When will you be switching to the use of eco-friendly firelighters?